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Welcome to the African Green Store Network (Reséau Grenier Vert d'Afrique) Platform!

About Our Network

African Green Store Network is an online platform for African agricultural vocational schools, i.e., "Green Colleges." The colleges of the network exchange on their innovative approaches and best-practices. Our mission is to create a platform that enables the growth of sustainable agriculture in Africa, by providing a space for schools to connect, share their knowledge and collaborate. Click here to learn more about the network and how you can join us.



Students and Educators


Get to know our participating colleges / Institutions 


Agriculture-related study programs


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Join the African Green Store Network Agriculture Forum


Your donation will help us support sustainable agriculture initiatives in Africa and further coordinate bilateral and multilateral collaboration between Green Colleges. Click here to learn more about how you can support our cause.

Get Involved in the Network

Join the African Green Store Network Agriculture Forum to connect with other Green Colleges, share your knowledge and collaborate on sustainable agricultural initiatives in Africa. Click here to learn more about how you can get involved.

Reséau Grenier Vert d'Afrique

A community of practice for the improvement of didactics, approach, and networking among Green Colleges

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